Police Decision Making Process

The second guessing of police officers decision making process continues to come into question.  This could be from a political standpoint or simply a philosophy on how to best practice policing strategies.  Many second guess each decision without taking the time to understand what goes into the process itself.  At times, few situations lend zero…

SWAT Entry and Situational Tactics by Chris Grollnek

SWAT Entry and Situational Tactics by Chris Grollnek One of the nation’s top active shooter prevention experts, Chris Grollnek is a retired police officer and former Marine writes about; SWAT Entry and Situational Tactics by Chris Grollnek. The co-founder of CGPGMG, LLC he is one of a select group of individuals involved in more than…

Chris Grollnek Swat Report Warrant Service Suspect Fires on Team 2006

Chris Grollnek Swat Report Warrant Service Suspect Fires on Team 2006 On 4-13-06 at approximately 1210 hours, I (Detective Grollnek assigned to Undercover Narcotics) was assigned to the front door of the residence located at XXXX Street to Breach and Hold with Officers Sun and Roberts as an alternate entry point and diversionary tactic.  Detective…

Chris Grollnek in News Interview as Active Shooter Expert Again

Chris Grollnek in News Interview as Active Shooter Expert Again Chris Grollnek in Baltimore Sun Interviewed as Active Shooter Expert      The circumstances of the following incident are tragic and were completely preventable.  I am not writing this to inflame any officers or “blame” any mis-steps as I am sure there is plenty of…

Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Shoot Bank Robbery Suspect

Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Shoot Bank Robbery Suspect A bank robbery suspect was cornered on a northern Los Angeles County cul-de-sac and shot to death Friday on television after he fired at sheriff’s deputies from his car. This can be seen on in the video just as officers unload into the front windshield of the…

Chris Grollnek and the Active-Shooter Prevention Vision – the Beginning

This is how my idea of protecting others was born. In 2001 I had an idea to train others in firearms safety. That translated or “morphed” into teaching security at several of our countries military installations and then contractors prior to deploying. I then sold the idea and concept to a consortium group and the…

Alabama Man Arrested for Online Soliciting a Minor

This is the best and most rewarding piece of police work I have ever done. The article is fairly accurate and the interdiction was a fluke that turned into a huge investigative milestone… Alabama man arrested for online soliciting BY DANNY GALLAGHER, McKinney Courier-Gazette Published: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 12:14 AM CST A McKinney police…

City of Buffalo lags on compliance with workplace violence rules

The following article was shared from Twitter and reposted here. The original can be found at: http://www.buffalonews.com/city/city-hall/article933900.ece and was last updated at: July 4, 2012, 8:05 AM with no comments on the article. It has unique aspects for employer responsibilities and is worth the read… The City of Buffalo is scrambling to comply with an…

Probable Cause

The definition of probable cause is found within the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. According to Cornell School of Law (2011) publication, the Amendment reads as follows: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not…

Try and Answer the Following Questions Regarding Work Place Violence?

This is worth the repost and thank you John for asking for it… Take a minute and see if you can answer the following question(s). Ask if your boss or co-workers can answer them? • What Is An Active-Shooter Event? –Define Active Shooter –Characteristics •Active Shooter Incidents: –Actual Events –Statistics Here is a graphic that…